Smoove on Smooth

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JB Smoove is the perfect suave, celebrity to tout just how incredibly smooth and mature Paul Masson's VSOP Brandy is

Smoove on Smooth

Smoove on Smooth For Paul Masson

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Smoove on Smooth


Paul Masson


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Branded Entertainment, Comedy, Celebrity


Paul Masson VSOP Grande Amber Brandy is elegantly Smooth, we helped make it Smoove.

In collaboration with the awesome creatives at the High, Wide & Handsome agency we enlisted the suave comedy of JB Smoove to amplify the elegantly smooth taste and heritage of Paul Masson's VSOP brandy. We knew that the best way to tap into the explosive wit of JB Smoove was to target triggers that would unleash his improvisational genius. So after a few sessions with Mr. Smoove that left us laughing on the floor and begging for air, we developed a pile of index cards with a few words each, and a list of props to have at the ready. We found a beautiful mid-century modern home to set the stage (that had way too many windows and needed oodles of ND film to cover them). We brought our crew, cards and props and let 'em rip.

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Smoove on Smooth
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Inspire Connection

A-List & Emerging Comedic Talent + Creative Production = Innovation.

Our integration with top talent management companies creates an environment where celebrities, writers, directors, actors and comedians intimately collaborate with our creative production forces to bring spectacular results and laughs to your media mission.

  • Comedic branded content
  • Top celebrities and emerging talent
  • Highly experienced comedy directors and crews
  • Live action location & studio shoots
  • Set, costume and prop design
  • 2D & 3D motion graphics & compositing

A laugh is worth a million words!

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Smoove on Smooth
Smoove on Smooth
Smoove on Smooth



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