Pepsi Fountain Refurbishment

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Pepsi takes great pride in their superior fountain technology. They can refurbish a complex fountain machine to perfect condition for less than half the price of a new replacement.

Pepsi Refurbish

Pepsi Fountain Efficient Refurbishment

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Pepsi Refurbish




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Scripting, Promotion, Live Action


Pepsi's fountain clients could save time and money by refurbishing an older or damaged machine to brand new luster and function but seeing is believing.

There is a lot more research & hi-tech engineering involved in making a superior fountain machine that delivers the optimal mix and keeps the great taste of Pepsi's beverages up to their high standards than most people realize. Eventually these hi-tech machines break down and can leave fountain clients without the needed resources to deliver optimally to their customers. Often purchasing a new machine can be expensive and take time to order. Pepsi developed a refurbishment program that offers their fountain clients an alternative that saves them time and money and get's them back in business. Pepsi wanted to showcase the process to amplify how the end result of a refurbished machine is as good as new.

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Pepsi Refurbish
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Inspire Connection

Curiosity is our key to imaginative and accurate communications. Intake is the foundation of producing media that simply and effectively engages viewers and communicates key takeaways in a way that sticks. We listen, ask too many questions (but we do it quickly and efficiently), then research the topics and missions of our clients diligently so that we can understand and offer fresh perspectives on the issues at hand. Then we find ways to refine the message in bite size, engaging bits and present them in eye catching, story driven ways that viewers enjoy and remember.

  • Communications internal, B2B, B2C
  • Explainers, How Tos, Instructional
  • Recruiting & Retention
  • Events, Trade shows, Conferences

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Pepsi Refurbish



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